Once I got home, Nadine arrived with my complete dossier. This is surly not going to fit in an envelope. I will add a picture soon of the stack of papers. It’s going to cost me a fortune to send that to Haiti. It might be cheaper for me to buy a plan ticket and bring it there myself. I wish I could do that but I was told NO!
Today I was emailing my friend Melissa back and forth about the adoption and she advised me to call the orphanage to see what was going on. At first I was kind of hesitating but decided to call. I called a few times around supper time but got disconnected and could not hear a thing. It’s really frustrating trying to call Haiti. Around 8pm, I decided to try again. After a few minutes I got through. I had not talked to Chris for a few months and she remembered who I was. It felt good. She said there were 2 potential girls for us. One that is already 2 years old and the other is only 7 months old. The 2 year old one would be easier because the 7 month old one is in progress with another adoptive family. If they decide to continue looking, we would be the next available family. I am trying to not get too excited at the moment until I can get more concrete information. I will defiantly update as soon as I have something. I told Chris that we would not go to the November family visit since we are not matched with a child at the moment. She said that we should see each other in February!!! I so hope and pray for this to happen.
Good night all!
Oh and if you are reading Angele, I am suppose to travel to Hali next week. Either on Wed or Thurs night. I will let you know once my travel is approved. If you feel up for it, we could meet after work.
Ohhh - yes, let me know when you know more, we can meet after work for a bit. :)
SO exciting about all the new information from Haiti. My fingers are crossed for you and I'm saying a prayer for you...
Best wishes to you with your Haiti adoption. It's ironic that we started in Haiti and ended up switching to Ghana and you are doing the reverse. The kids in Haiti are amazing. I am hoping to go back next summer.
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