Saturday, July 10, 2010

Hot Week

We just finished a week long of high 30 degress. It was a heat wave. Lucky for us, there’s always a breeze in the evening because we live by the ocean. We open the windows in our bedroom and I sleep like a baby. Each day, when I got home from work, I put on my bathing suit and off the beach with the dogs. It’s so much fun to come home from work and be able to go for a nice swim. The water was like walking in a bathtub.

Yesterday, I dropped off the dogs at the daycare. I knew we were going out in the evening and I did not want them to be alone all day and night. When I picked them up, they were tired out! We got home and went for a quick dip at the beach and then they slept like babies. We left for an evening boating with friends. We had a great time. The breeze was even warm after sunset.

I am still off the caffeine! I was 2 weeks yesterday. I am so proud. In 2 weeks, I can honestly say that I only had 2 days my mind was telling me that i needed my cup of coffee.

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