Friday, February 5, 2010

Being sick in not really a bad thing after all

I guess I can’t take too much of the positive, I’m on a mission…
Tuesday evening, I started to feel sick. I finally caught Victor’s flu. I’m usually immune to his flu’s but this time, I think my body was so drained that it got me. Well actually, when you are done reading my blog, you will see that I was sick for a reason. So technically, it doesn’t count as really being sick LOL. It was all planned out by my angles.

This is how it all started… Tuesday Feb 2, 2010 for lunch, I met my friend Christina. We went to eat at Pastalli. I came in all worked up. I was telling her how I was told that I should consider another Country to adopt from because god only knows when Haitian adoption will re-open. I was like… hello, there are twice many orphans now in Haiti. I do realize that there is no infrastructure and they have to wait to see if the children have parents or family still alive, but don’t tell me that there won’t be any true orphans for 4 years. That just isn’t happening. She was giving me advice and said, you should call Shaun Graham’s office to see what they can do for you. So lunch went on and came home to a huge head ache. I was really starting to feel the flu coming down on me.

Wednesday, Feb 4, 2010, stayed home sick. I had my BB, Iphone and home phone by my bed incase, CIC, or someone would call me for adoption news. Can you tell that I am a little bit obsessed? Anyways, the phone rings and picked up in a rush like there was a fire in the house. It was about 10:40 am the voice on the other end says ‘hello, this is Shaun Graham’ I said WHO???? He repeated his name again. I repeated his name as well thinking that I was really sick and I was dreaming of what I have to do today. People that don’t know who he is, he’s the NB Premier. So for a long story short… he called the wrong number and I took the opportunity to tell him our story. He said he would get someone from his office to call me back to look into our case. The next day, his executive assistant called me for more info and said she will make some calls for us. Today, Friday, February 05, 2010, she called back to let us know that we would not get in the pill of new applicants and as soon as we see some movement in Haiti with adoptions, our dossier would be sent there. She said that for the people that have their entire dossier approved, we defiantly won’t be treated as new applicants.

So I guess being sick this week was not really a bad thing. I got someone else looking after us.


Joy said...

That is quite a story - amazing!

Brendan and Mary said...

Yes, it is quite the story. I hope things to continue to move in the right direction for you :)
