Wednesday, March 16, 2011

LONO Signed!

Our Province signed and sent us a copy of the Letter of No Objection (LONO). I was waiting for that piece of paper.... Reason why... I don’t have to deal with the province anymore for the rest of our adoption process. We will now communicate with the orphanage directly and not have to listen to the negativity... AMEN!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations:) One step closer! I love your new blog style...she is such a cutie:) Makes me want to have my referral photos of our baby girl now!! I am glad to hear things are picking up in Haiti and hoping this means you get to bring your daughter home soon.

Denise said...

Good to have that step done. I hear you on not wanting to deal with their negativity. Drives me crazy all these people saying such negative things about Haitian adoption when no one actually knows how it will go!

Adrienne said...

Woohoo! Another step to cross off the list!!

ourpartyof4 said...

Great news! Congratulations!!