Sunday, July 12, 2009

Crossroad ahead… witch way to go?

After all this waiting to hear some news whether or not the Ghana program is staying open, I honestly don’t have any more energy to waist on refreshing my email to get the news. I feel that I have absolutely no power, nothing to say. We hired an agency to do the work for us and its starting to get on my nerves. When I want something, I want it NOW and don’t want to wait for someone to do it for me. I know I was all positive during this difficult time, but it’s got to end sometime. I am sick and tired of getting no answer. They can’t even tell us what the meetings are all about. I am not saying that I’m losing faith in this journey, I just think that we’ve reached a crossroad and we have to choose which way to go. I still believe 100% that Kyanna is coming home, but maybe Ghana was not meant to be. I think that she was not ready to come home and we needed this year to get organized and give me more time to sleep in 

I’ve been talking with a few couples from around home and they have adopted from Haiti. This program is fast to receive your referral but can take up to 2 years to be able to travel to bring your child home. It’s not longer that Ethiopia. The only thing is that we would not go through an agency this time. We would need to gather up our dossier and send it ourselves. Being in charge will make me feel more at ease and will be in direct contact with orphanage and SW. Did is not 100% yet but we are getting more information to make our decision. Tomorrow, I will be meeting with a lady that is waiting to go get her 2 siblings in Haiti. She is going to explain to me the process and will hopefully be able to make a decision after. I also met a guy that I work with that is leaving in a few weeks to go get his daughter in Haiti. He is just waiting for the Visa.

Like I said, I am not losing faith, I just think that faith is telling us to change directions and I am following what my heart is telling me.


Jess said...

We've been at that crossroads before ourselves and know how difficult that is. I hope you can make a decision soon and feel good about it! :)

Unknown said...

It's not an easy place to be! We're hoping that our hearts are at peace and our dossier safely in a new country soon as well. Hopefully we'll have some definite news about Ghana this week.

Take care!


Joy said...

So's hard to go back to square one and think about a new "best option" - we are still waiting for news as well, but have also started chatting about the "what if" scenarios. I trust that whichever direction you head next will lead you to your beautiful little girl!

A said...

Have faith Sylvie... I know it's hard to see the positive when you have been faced with so many roadblocks, but just follow your heart, and your head. Listen to the signs. You are a smart girl, and regardless of what your choose, you will soon have a beautiful baby girl that will love you unconditionally for giving her a loving home.
Perhaps the lack of information from the agency is a sign that you should consider other options. When there is good news to share, they don't hold back, when the news is not so good, they may not be so eager to share.
Again, there is no right or wrong decision for you right now. There is a fork in the road. Both lead down a very different path, but there are no guarantees, only hopes and dreams along the path... Maybe you should wait for a little while longer, and then decide to move on and go get that little girl in whichever country that needs parents like you and Vic.
You will get through this.. you are strong.
Angele, xox