Monday, January 4, 2010


Oh and I almost forgot... While we were on our vacation in Haiti, Victor said out of the blue that he was going to get a tattoo done when we get back home. He said he wanted a tattoo that represents our family. This is so wonderful.

The tattoo represents:
• Anchor – representing his Dad that has passed away.
• 5 logs – representing all of us, his 2 daughters Nicole and Renée, him and myself. We even have a 5th one for our adoptive child. The rope is keeping us all together.
• Butterfly – represents his daughter’s mother that has passed away. We know she is watching over us so that’s why we put her on top of the anchor.

He wanted to add a heart or sun to represent his mother that passed away as well but the tattoo artist said it would be too much. He’s in the process of doing something else for that.

In the pass years, we’ve been traveling down south and have always had bad news just before or during our vacation. We could never enjoy our time away and say we really did enjoy our vacation. We just broke the ice at the end of 2009. We had nothing but good things and good memories. The curse has been broken! All will be good from now on. I know this is still going to be a bumpy ride but the good energy has finally found us.

1 comment:

A said...

We have thought about adopting from Haiti but were told we couldn't by our adoption Practitioner. If you don't mind us asking who is your agency?