Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Against my beliefs!

March 23, 2010 – In 12 days, I will be leaving for Haiti. I honestly still think that it’s all a dream. Yesterday I went for my vaccines (Hepatitis A and Typhim Vi – Polysaccharide Typhoid). I did what I always said I would not do. I had 2 needles and had to drink Dukoral (for traveler’s diarrhea). I got my prescription for Malaria; however I am still considering not taking it. We’ll see. Nicole and I took our first drink of Dukoral last night and it was not too good. To continue with the meds... I had a huge headache this morning and decided to take 2 Advils. I usually don’t take any medications and deal with the pain, but with all the drugs I took yesterday, I figured that 2 extra Advils would not do much more harm to my body LOL. Oh well, if that’s the sacrifice I have to take, so be it!

Oh and... I created cute little cheat sheet for our Mission to Haiti for our flights, hotel info and contacts in Haiti. I am getting everything organized now because the weekend before we leave, I'll be a total NUT CASE!

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