Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Sunday was oposite of Saturday...

Sunday was the opposite of Saturday. The day honestly felt like it lasted 3 full days and nights. Kaynne was extremely hyper. I think she was trying to get out of her skin.  For some reason, when Victor and I are with Kyanne, she acts differently. She cries, creams, and throws herself on the floor for no reason. I don’t know if she’s trying to get our attention at the same time??? Usually, when Victor arrives, I try to slip out of the room and do a few things but it never works. We went to Winners and grocery store and we went straight home. At Winners, the men’s section is on one side and the women on the other. Well Victor could hear her from the men’s section like if she was standing beside him. At one point, she did not want me to push the cart! She was screaming but I could not move??? What is that??? As soon as she saw daddy, then he could ride the cart. Not mommy! It’s so strange. If I am with her alone, she won’t say a word.

With all that going on and my morning not starting too good to begin with, I felt kind of empty. Last week when I went for a Reiki session, she told me I needed to be shown or told that I was loved. She said you are craving it... I did not realize it until Sunday. I really felt empty. I think I was missing my dad. While I was sitting by Kyanne’s bed to get her to sleep, she got up like her usual routine. I thought she was going to do some yoga moves but no, she got up, reached her hands towards me with a great big smile and gave me the most amazing kiss and hug! My baby girl knew that her mommy needed to be loved!!! I love her so much. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sylvie, I know how rough it can get. I know the feeling of emptiness when you just want a little something to make all your efforts seem worth it. It's funny how you can have hours of fussing and mental "testing"... then they do something as little as give you a hug, and you regain your sanity ;o)